Customer Satisfaction

20% improvement in ForeSee CSAT score

Call Shed

5% reduction in calls to customer support


5 million increase in monthly unique visitors

Dwell Times

Reduced time on upper level pages by 10 - 15 seconds


Redesigning Online Self-Service Support

The findability of support content was low via search. Customers could not find helpful support articles to solve their problems. This caused customers to email, chat, and call customer care for more assistance.

The Problem

The findability of support content was low via search. Customers could not find helpful support articles to solve their problems. This caused customers to email, chat, and call customer care for more assistance.

The Solution

We created a new taxonomy, optimized content for search, and introduced a new knowledge management system (KMS).


Research & Discovery

We looked at multiple data points to identify problems and areas where we could improve.

Key Activities

  • Customer Interviews
  • Treejack Study
  • Content Audit
  • Navigational Path Analysis

Key Findings

  • Words and phrases did not resonate with customers
  • Uncommon and complex language terms
  • Uncategorized content
  • Duplicate and overlapping categories
  • Grouping of unrelated content

Figure: Click Analysis

Strategy & Design

We gathered our best ideas to create the right solution.


  • Optmize content for SEO
  • Format contents to support scanning
  • Create effective visual hierarchies
  • Break pages up into clearly defined areas
  • Eliminate distractions
  • Take advantage of design standards
  • Make it obvious what's clickable

Figure: Content Structure

Figure: Content Structure

Figure: Wireframes

Figure: Wireframes

Figure: Wireframes

Figure: Wireframes

Figure: Wireframes

Figure: Wireframes

Figure: Comps & Redlines


We created interactive prototypes to validate our solution.

Key Activities

  • Eye Tracking
  • Taxonmy Review

Key Findings

  • TEST ONE - Task Success Rate increased from 36% to 46%
  • TEST TWO - Task Success Rate increased from 29% to 56%

Figure: Usability Study - Taxonomy

Figure: Usability Study - Eye Tracking

Figure: Usability Study - Scroll Map

Figure: Usability Study - Overview


Figure: Before & After



Atlanta, GA

